Friday, April 8, 2011


Before we get any further we need one term set up as common ground and I'm not referring to HARPERcrit which should be self-evident.

The term is CINO and it's the whole reason this blog exists. See the biggest issue real conservatives have with Harpercrits is that they're not Conservative. They speak Conservative (most of the time) but they vote Reform/Republican. And that bothers us because the Conservatives in Canada built this country. Conservatives set up the senate, developed the traditions, hewed a continent with little more than a belief in "Shared Sacrifice, Shared Reward" and the Reformers are dead set against all of that.

They're all bullies who don't like people that don't think EXACTLY like them standing anywhere near their tent. That's why they're filtering attendees at rallies across Canada during this election. Harper doesn't want anyone seeing him asked any tough questions, put on the spot, embarrassed, challenged, or ridiculed. It's bad enough he has to put up with most of Parliament doing that, he's not accepting it from Canadians.

Real Conservatives, or TRUE TORIES as we call them, prefer to debate and develop ideas, confident that the good ones are defensible, or at least that a reasonably effective leader can drum up the support of a majority of the Parliament to get them passed and made.

CINO's don't have any leadership skills so instead of actually being leaders they prefer to play leader. And how do you play leader? Well, you surround yourself with lots of people either paid to agree with you or which you've vetted to make sure they will agree with you and then you repeat things your Republican/Tea Pot overlords have said that got thunderous applause. That way you can point to your rallies as better attended and pretend that you are popular.

And sadly, it seems to be working.

But don't kid yourself. The Reform party may have got memberships in the Progressive Conservatives because they wanted to take it over (after all, even Harpie knows only Liberals and Conservatives have ever formed Government in Canada) but they never agreed with any of the policies. If they had then Lee "Preston Nail" Manning and Brian Mulroney would've gotten along, instead of Manning attacking the Conservatives and morally bankrupt and deaf to the will of the grass roots (which oddly describes Harpercrit to a tee!)

So, they are Conservative - In Name Only, or CINO, which you can pronounce "CHEE-NO" or "SEE-NO". We prefer See-No because it more accuratly describes the progress and achievements of the Harper Government these last five years - as in, we SEE NO accountability, fiscal responsibility, leadership or progress from the Harpercrits.

Maybe that's because they took the word Progress out of the party's name when they took it over. At least they were honest about that.

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